High-pressure air curtain for cold store: AFIM® Air Doors
Description of the air curtain cold store for Van Duijn Transport
In order to reduce the energy cost of transport, transport company Van Duijn Transport opted to install high-pressure cold storage air curtains at all the high-traffic logistical passageways at its renovated premises in De Lier. These high-pressure cold storage air curtains were delivered and installed by the company Air In Motion. Due to the unique functioning of the high-pressure cold store air curtain (AFIM Air Door), the company saves on the annual maintenance and repair costs of its doors, which can remain open indefinitely without issue thanks to this solution. Aside from saving on maintenance, damages and repairs (a cold storage air curtain cannot be crashed into, after all), there is also a considerably reduction in energy costs. Together with Van Duijn Transport, Air In Motion measured the successful application of the cold store air curtain in practice.
Benefits of the air curtain cold store for Van Duijn Transport
The advantage of an industrial air curtain in a cold store is that it opens up the field of view and thus creates free passage for transport. Damage to doors is the main reason for many companies to switch to a solution that does not break. Due to the high volume of transport taking place at Van Duijn Transport, a cold store air curtain was the perfect solution. Because of the cold store air curtain, the cold store temperature is easily maintained despite the doors remaining open indefinitely. This also strongly reduces the frequency at which the evaporators have to defrost, which not only brings practical benefits but also considerably reduces energy consumption.
About Van Duijn Transport
Transportation of fresh, chilled and frozen products needs to be done by a specialist. A specialist like Van Duijn Transport. Van Duijn Transport can be trusted as it comes to transportation and handling of chilled goods and many companies make use of their specialties in this area. Daily a fleet of more than 110 trucks and trailers are on the road towards destinations in Northern-Europe, Western-Europe and the United Kingdom. Their fleet is modern and their drivers are familiar with the standards to be made with fresh and frozen products. Food safety is their first concern in every aspect of their work and will be secured by them via their HACCP and VWA certifications. They serve their customers from two strategically chosen locations, from De Lier and Hansweert.
Food processing/storage/distribution
De Lier
– Free passage for transport
– Reduction in maintenance and repair costs
– Cold store temperature maintained
– Evaporators need to defrost less
– Saves energy
– Cold stores: from +2°C to +12°C
Solution provided by
AFIM® Air Doors (cold store air curtain)